I Love You

Cerca de 164 frases e pensamentos: I Love You

"The only thing that I never learn is how to make you love me how I love you ."

Inserida por OutroAlguem

I killed my heart
He bled and stopped beating
We are bound by untruths
I will never love you, never

Inserida por crislambrecht

I will
always love you, because this is just a few more of the
endless times I'll be on your side. gestures into
words in mind and no matter WHAT you'll always be proving to
you that I love..

Inserida por andyoculos

Michael Jackson definitivamente é um homem que levanta o publico com as pequenas palavras I LOVE YOU, mas com grande impacto de quem ouve....pois são as verdadeiras palavras que sai do coração para seus fãs como gratidão que sempre demonstra por isso tenho ORGULHO de ser fã deste homem notável e admirado em todo mundo...Mike I LOVE YOU MORE.........♥♥♥

Inserida por nellyjackson

_ Mor, I love you more than I can handle.
_ You can, girl. Trust yourself.
_ I can't trust myself when I'm with you.

Inserida por gabriellagilmore

You’re all that I thought would never be and though you break my heart

I still love you.
there are times I hate you because I can not erase the moments you hurt me and the tears I put on my face
But do not want to miss you, I do not want a broken heart, I will not breathe without you.
Who says my life will be better off without you? you are the best in me.
Believe me, I need your love…I need you.

Inserida por rafaellakristinne

Poema para leitores ingleses:
I love you because I love you,
You need not be a lover,
and knowest not always be so.
I love you because I love you.
Love is a state of grace
and love does not pay.

Love is freely given,
is sown the wind,
the waterfall in the eclipse.
Love eludes dictionaries
and the various regulations.

I love you because they love
enough or too much to me.
Because love does not change,
no one loves or combines.
Because love is love for all,
happy and strong in itself.

Love is the cousin of death
and death winner
for more than the kill (and kill)
every moment of love.

Inserida por giovannabells

I only say that I hate you because it’s easier than adimitting that I love you and you don’t.

Inserida por belfernandes

Sleeping to dream about you, ever. 'Cause I love you, I need you, I want you.

Inserida por felipepanda

eu nao sou perfeiro a perfeita és tu eeu nao me canso de dizer I LOVE YOU

Inserida por ruuffles

I love you , because you is my life!

Inserida por giovannabells

Você é sem duvida a pessoa que mais amo no mundo!!
Não esqueça disso..

Com amor para você mamãe(M.S.N)

Inserida por giovannabells

EU TE AMO - Portugues
I LOVE YOU - Engles
JE VOUS AIME - Frances
VOLIM TE - Crota
TE AMO - Catalão
Seni seviyorum - Azerbaijão

Seráh Que Em Uma Dessas Linguás Você Vai Entender ?

Inserida por DanF3erreira

I..I..I think I love you, but if you ever hurt me I'll fuckin kill you

Inserida por rafaellakristinne

Power you have. Power to love. Power to kiss you. Love you, what should be more accurate.

Inserida por deborahpensa

The darkness in me cistus More you appeared and all Darkness is gone. I Love You I can even shout to the world that I "love", what I feel is true.

Inserida por WM7

I love You Brasil

Inserida por AndersonDandinho

I love you '

Inserida por JonathanCunha

I love you and you know it

Inserida por JoyceMoraes

I love you...Não é só por que você disse eu te amo em inglês que significa ser verdadeiro.

Inserida por marcosrick